Get involved
Your help makes a difference
Your help makes a difference
There are many ways in which you can help, from signing our petition, to talking to your friends and neighbors about the importance of attending schools in-person.
Please consider donating to support School is Essential
Please consider donating to support School is Essential
Display messages supporting in-person learning during TEAMS/ZOOM classes
Display messages supporting in-person learning during TEAMS/ZOOM classes
Request textbooks from BSD to limit screen time
Request textbooks from BSD to limit screen time
Check out our Textbook Request page to see how to request BSD to provide your student with hard/paper copies of the textbooks and workbooks normally used in each classroom.
You can also use the following designs to order from (18" x 24" yard sign)
Sign the petition for Making In-Person Learning Option Available and School an Essential Service
Sign the petition for Making In-Person Learning Option Available and School an Essential Service
Learn about the issue
Learn about the issue
Check out our FAQ and reference sections to learn about your children's rights and why it is important and possible to reopen schools in a safe way.